Si por alguna razón no está completamente satisfecho con su compra, puede devolver sus productos y obtener un reembolso.

También ofrecemos cambios gratuitos cuando corresponda.

Haga clic en el enlace de devoluciones a continuación para iniciar este proceso:


Si has comprado los siguientes artículos:

  • Ropa de cama y/o productos de baño.
  • Fragancia

Consulte a continuación su derecho a devolver estos artículos y consulte nuestros Términos y condiciones por categoría.

Ropa y Accesorios

Todos los productos de ropa y accesorios deben devolverse dentro de los 28 días posteriores a la recepción de su pedido con el formulario de devoluciones completo adjunto, y deben devolverse nuevos, sin usar y en el embalaje original con todas las etiquetas y etiquetas de prendas de Jasper Conran London adjuntas. Una vez que su devolución haya sido recibida en nuestro almacén, inspeccionaremos los artículos devueltos y, siempre que el pedido haya sido devuelto según la Política de devoluciones de Jasper Conran London, intentaremos procesar su solicitud de devolución dentro de los 14 días posteriores a la recepción de su bienes devueltos (esto está en línea con el Reglamento de Contratos de Consumo de 2014). Se enviará un correo electrónico de confirmación al titular de la cuenta una vez que se procese el reembolso.

Tenga en cuenta que cualquier prenda recibida con la cinta antidesgaste adjunta debe devolverse intacta para obtener un reembolso completo.

Todos los vestidos deben devolverse con cinturones a juego para obtener un reembolso completo.

Cualquier vestido que haya sido modificado no se puede devolver.

Puede devolver su artículo a través de nuestro portal de devoluciones y se le cobrará una tarifa de devolución de £ 5,50.

Si elige devolver su paquete utilizando su propio servicio de mensajería, tenga en cuenta que el artículo es su responsabilidad hasta que nos llegue. Por lo tanto, para su propia protección, le recomendamos que envíe el paquete mediante un servicio de entrega rastreable que proporcione un seguro por el valor de la mercancía.

El costo de devolvernos el artículo no será reembolsado, sin embargo, renunciaremos a nuestra tarifa de devolución del reembolso.

Si se aprueba un reembolso, se reembolsará cualquier cargo de envío pagado en el momento de la compra.

Haga clic en el enlace de devoluciones a continuación para iniciar este proceso:


Artículos defectuosos

Si tiene un artículo defectuoso, comuníquese con Servicio al Cliente antes de devolverlo. Si este artículo debe ser devuelto, una vez que se haya recibido en nuestro almacén, inspeccionaremos los artículos devueltos y, si se determina que dicho artículo está defectuoso, se le reembolsará el importe total dentro de los 14 días posteriores a la recepción de su bienes devueltos (esto está en línea con el Reglamento de Contratos de Consumo de 2014). Se enviará un correo electrónico de confirmación al titular de la cuenta una vez que se procese el reembolso.

Términos y condiciones

Es posible que los artículos devueltos que no estén nuevos y sin usar no se acrediten en su totalidad en su cuenta a menos que sean defectuosos. Esto no afecta su derecho a devolver artículos defectuosos. Nuevo y sin usar significa que ha conservado todos los embalajes y etiquetas originales en buenas condiciones, que el producto se puede revender al precio completo y que no ha utilizado el producto.

Si tiene su recibo o correo electrónico de confirmación del pedido, le reembolsaremos utilizando el método de pago original utilizado. Si compró en línea con una tarjeta de regalo o un vale, le reembolsaremos en una tarjeta de regalo electrónica.

Tarjetas de regalo/tarjetas de regalo electrónicas/vales no se pueden devolver ni cambiar por dinero en efectivo.

No podemos reembolsar ni cambiar productos fabricados según sus propias especificaciones o personalizados para usted, a menos que sean defectuosos.

Tenga en cuenta que si devuelve productos que están fuera de nuestra política de devoluciones o si no tiene un comprobante de compra, no podremos procesar un reembolso, así que conserve su recibo o confirmación de pedido.


Si desea cambiar una compra por otro artículo, devuelva los artículos no deseados utilizando el mismo proceso de devolución descrito anteriormente. Una vez que haya recibido el reembolso, podrá solicitar uno o varios artículos nuevos para reemplazar los que no desee.

*bajo las condiciones establecidas en nuestra política de devoluciones anterior.

Haga clic en el enlace de devoluciones a continuación para iniciar este proceso:



La fragancia debe devolverse dentro de los 28 días posteriores a la recepción de su pedido con el formulario de devolución completo adjunto, y debe devolverse nueva, sin usar y en el embalaje original con todas las etiquetas y etiquetas de Jasper Conran London adjuntas. Una vez que su devolución haya sido recibida en nuestro almacén, inspeccionaremos los artículos devueltos y, siempre que el pedido haya sido devuelto según la Política de devoluciones de Jasper Conran London, intentaremos procesar su solicitud de devolución dentro de los 14 días posteriores a la recepción de su bienes devueltos (esto está en línea con el Reglamento de Contratos de Consumo de 2014). Se enviará un correo electrónico de confirmación al titular de la cuenta una vez que se procese el reembolso.

Tenga en cuenta que no podemos reembolsar fragancias si el sello del embalaje está roto.

Puede Devuelva su artículo a través de nuestro portal de devoluciones y se le cobrará una tarifa de devolución de £ 5,50.

Si elige devolver su paquete utilizando su propio servicio de mensajería, tenga en cuenta que el artículo es su responsabilidad hasta que nos llegue. Por lo tanto, para su propia protección, le recomendamos que envíe el paquete mediante un servicio de entrega rastreable que proporcione un seguro por el valor de la mercancía.

El costo de devolvernos el artículo no será reembolsado, sin embargo, renunciaremos a nuestra tarifa de devolución del reembolso.

Si se aprueba un reembolso, se reembolsará cualquier cargo de envío pagado en el momento de la compra.

Haga clic en el enlace de devoluciones a continuación para iniciar este proceso:


Artículos defectuosos

Si tiene un artículo defectuoso, comuníquese con Servicio al Cliente antes de devolverlo. Si este artículo debe ser devuelto, una vez que se haya recibido en nuestro almacén, inspeccionaremos los artículos devueltos y, si se determina que dicho artículo está defectuoso, se le reembolsará el importe total dentro de los 14 días posteriores a la recepción de su bienes devueltos (esto está en línea con el Reglamento de Contratos de Consumo de 2014). Se enviará un correo electrónico de confirmación al titular de la cuenta una vez que se procese el reembolso.

Términos y condiciones

Es posible que los artículos devueltos que no estén nuevos y sin usar no se acrediten en su totalidad en su cuenta a menos que sean defectuosos. Esto no afecta su derecho a devolver artículos defectuosos. Nuevo y sin usar significa que ha conservado todos los embalajes y etiquetas originales en buenas condiciones, que el producto se puede revender al precio completo y que no ha utilizado el producto.

Si tiene su recibo o correo electrónico de confirmación del pedido, le reembolsaremos utilizando el método de pago original utilizado. Si compró en línea con una tarjeta de regalo o un vale, le reembolsaremos en una tarjeta de regalo electrónica.

Tarjetas de regalo/tarjetas de regalo electrónicas/vales no se pueden devolver ni cambiar por dinero en efectivo.

No podemos reembolsar ni cambiar productos fabricados según sus propias especificaciones o personalizados para usted, a menos que sean defectuosos.

Tenga en cuenta que si devuelve productos que están fuera de nuestra política de devoluciones o si no tiene un comprobante de compra, no podremos procesar un reembolso, así que conserve su recibo o confirmación de pedido.

Ropa de cama y baño

Los productos de ropa de cama y baño deben devolverse dentro de los 28 días posteriores a la recepción de su pedido con el formulario de devoluciones completo adjunto, y deben devolverse nuevos, sin usar y en el embalaje original con todas las etiquetas y etiquetas de Jasper Conran London adjuntas. Una vez que su devolución haya sido recibida en nuestro almacén, inspeccionaremos los artículos devueltos y, siempre que el pedido haya sido devuelto según la Política de devoluciones de Jasper Conran London, intentaremos procesar su solicitud de devolución dentro de los 14 días posteriores a la recepción de su bienes devueltos (esto está en línea con el Reglamento de Contratos de Consumo de 2014). Se enviará un correo electrónico de confirmación al titular de la cuenta una vez que se procese el reembolso.

Tenga en cuenta que no podemos reembolsar productos de ropa de cama y baño si el sello del embalaje está roto.

Puede Devuelva su artículo a través de nuestro portal de devoluciones y se le cobrará una tarifa de devolución de £ 5,50.

Si elige devolver su paquete utilizando su propio servicio de mensajería, tenga en cuenta que el artículo es su responsabilidad hasta que nos llegue. Por lo tanto, para su propia protección, le recomendamos que envíe el paquete mediante un servicio de entrega rastreable que proporcione un seguro por el valor de la mercancía.

El costo de devolvernos el artículo no será reembolsado, sin embargo, renunciaremos a nuestra tarifa de devolución del reembolso.

Si se aprueba un reembolso, se reembolsará cualquier cargo de envío pagado en el momento de la compra.

Haga clic en el enlace de devoluciones a continuación para iniciar este proceso:


Artículos defectuosos

Si tiene un artículo defectuoso, comuníquese con Servicio al Cliente antes de devolverlo. Si este artículo debe ser devuelto, una vez que se haya recibido en nuestro almacén, inspeccionaremos los artículos devueltos y, si se determina que dicho artículo está defectuoso, se le reembolsará el importe total dentro de los 14 días posteriores a la recepción de su bienes devueltos (esto está en línea con el Reglamento de Contratos de Consumo de 2014). Se enviará un correo electrónico de confirmación al titular de la cuenta una vez que se procese el reembolso.

Términos y condiciones

Es posible que los artículos devueltos que no estén nuevos y sin usar no se acrediten en su totalidad en su cuenta a menos que sean defectuosos. Esto no afecta su derecho a devolver artículos defectuosos. Nuevo y sin usar significa que ha conservado todos los embalajes y etiquetas originales en buenas condiciones, que el producto se puede revender al precio completo y que no ha utilizado el producto.

Si tiene su recibo o correo electrónico de confirmación del pedido, le reembolsaremos utilizando el método de pago original utilizado. Si compró en línea con una tarjeta de regalo o un vale, le reembolsaremos en una tarjeta de regalo electrónica.

Tarjetas de regalo/tarjetas de regalo electrónicas/vales no se pueden devolver ni cambiar por dinero en efectivo.

No podemos reembolsar ni cambiar productos fabricados según sus propias especificaciones o personalizados para usted, a menos que sean defectuosos.

Tenga en cuenta que si devuelve productos que están fuera de nuestra política de devoluciones o si no tiene un comprobante de compra, no podremos procesar un reembolso, así que conserve su recibo o confirmación de pedido.



All clothing products must be processed through our portal within 14 days of receipt of your order.

All clothing items must be returned new, unused, with all Jasper Conran London garment tags and labels attached, including the anti-wear ribbon.

Once your return has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and providing the order has been sent back as per the Jasper Conran London Returns Policy, we will aim to process your return request within 14 days of receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014).

A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder once the refund is processed.  

Please note that any clothing received with the anti-wear ribbon attached, must be returned with it intact for a full refund.

All clothing must be returned with matching belts for a full refund. Any clothing that has been altered, cannot be returned.

You can return your item through our returns portal, and there will be a return fee of £5.50.

For UK customers, If you choose to return your parcel using your own courier, please note that the item is your responsibility until it reaches us. Therefore, for your own protection we recommend that you send the parcel using a trackable delivery service that provides insurance for the value of the goods. 

The cost of returning the item to us will not be refunded, however we shall waive our return fee from the refund.

If a refund is approved, any delivery charge paid at the time of purchase will be refunded. 

For international customers, we do not provide a return label, and the item is your responsibility until it reaches us. 

Please click the returns link below to start this process:https://jasperconranlondon.loopreturns.com

Faulty Items

If you have a faulty item, please contact Customer Services within 14 days of receiving your order. If this item is to be returned, then once it has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and if said item is found to be faulty, you will be refunded in full within 14 days of us receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014). A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder once the refund is processed. 

Terms & Conditions

Returned items which are not in a new and unused condition may not be fully credited to your account unless they are faulty. This does not affect your right to return faulty items. New and unused means you have kept all original packaging and labels in good condition, the product can be resold at full price, and you have not used the product. If you have your receipt or order confirmation email, we will refund using the original payment method used. If you purchased online with a gift card or voucher, we will refund you to an e-gift card. Gift cards / E Gift cards / vouchers cannot be returned or exchanged for cash. We are unable to refund or exchange products made to your own specifications or personalised for you, unless faulty. Please note that if you return products which are outside our returns policy or if you do not have proof of purchase, we are unable to process a refund, so please keep your receipt or order confirmation. 

Free Exchanges

If you wish to exchange a purchase for another item, please return your unwanted items using the same returns process as described above. Once your return has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and providing the order has been sent back as per the Jasper Conran London Returns Policy, we will aim to process your exchange request within 14 days of receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014). *under the conditions set out in our returns policy above. Please click the returns link below to start this process: https://jasperconranlondon.loopreturns.com

Leather Goods & Accessories

All leather goods & accessories must be processed through our portal within 14 days of receipt of your order.

All leather goods & accessories must be returned new, unused, with all Jasper Conran London garment tags, dust-bags, giftboxes and labels attached.

Once your return has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and providing the order has been sent back as per the Jasper Conran London Returns Policy, we will aim to process your return request within 14 days of receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014).

A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder once the refund is processed. 

Please note that any accessories received with a dust-bag and gift box, must be returned with it intact for a full refund.

Any leather goods & accessories that have been altered, cannot be returned.

You can return your item through our returns portal, and there will be a return fee of £5.50 for UK customers.

If you choose to return your parcel using your own courier, please note that the item is your responsibility until it reaches us. Therefore, for your own protection we recommend that you send the parcel using a trackable delivery service that provides insurance for the value of the goods. 

The cost of returning the item to us will not be refunded, however we shall waive our return fee from the refund.

If a refund is approved, any delivery charge paid at the time of purchase will be refunded.

For international customers, we do not provide a return label, and the item is your responsibility until it reaches us.

Please click the returns link below to start this process: https://jasperconranlondon.loopreturns.com

Faulty Items

If you have a faulty item, please contact Customer Services before returning this item. If this item is to be returned, then once it has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and if said item is found to be faulty, you will be refunded in full within 14 days of us receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014). A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder once the refund is processed. 

Terms & Conditions

Returned items which are not in a new and unused condition may not be fully credited to your account unless they are faulty. This does not affect your right to return faulty items. New and unused means you have kept all original packaging and labels in good condition, the product can be resold at full price, and you have not used the product. If you have your receipt or order confirmation email, we will refund using the original payment method used. If you purchased online with a gift card or voucher, we will refund you to an e-gift card. Gift cards / E Gift cards / vouchers cannot be returned or exchanged for cash. We are unable to refund or exchange products made to your own specifications or personalised for you, unless faulty. Please note that if you return products which are outside our returns policy or if you do not have proof of purchase, we are unable to process a refund, so please keep your receipt or order confirmation. 

Free Exchanges

If you wish to exchange a purchase for another item, please return your unwanted items using the same returns process as described above. Once your return has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and providing the order has been sent back as per the Jasper Conran London Returns Policy, we will aim to process your exchange request within 14 days of receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014). *under the conditions set out in our returns policy above. Please click the returns link below to start this process: https://jasperconranlondon.loopreturns.com

Bedding & Bath

Bedding & Bath products must be returned within 14 days of receipt of your order.

Items must be returned new, unused and in the original packaging with all Jasper Conran London tags and labels attached.

Once your return has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and providing the order has been sent back as per the Jasper Conran London Returns Policy, we will aim to process your return request within 14 days of receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014).

A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder once the refund is processed. 

Please note that we are unable to refund Bedding & Bath products where the packaging seal is broken.

You can return your item through our returns portal, and there will be a return fee of £5.50 for UK customers.

If you choose to return your parcel using your own courier, please note that the item is your responsibility until it reaches us. Therefore, for your own protection we recommend that you send the parcel using a trackable delivery service that provides insurance for the value of the goods. 

The cost of returning the item to us will not be refunded, however we shall waive our return fee from the refund.

If a refund is approved, any delivery charge paid at the time of purchase will be refunded.

For international customers, we do not provide a return label, and the item is your responsibility until it reaches us.

Please click the returns link below to start this process: https://jasperconranlondon.loopreturns.com

Faulty Items

If you have a faulty item, please contact Customer Services before returning this item. If this item is to be returned, then once it has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and if said item is found to be faulty, you will be refunded in full within 14 days of us receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014). A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder once the refund is processed.

Terms & Conditions

Returned items which are not in a new and unused condition may not be fully credited to your account unless they are faulty. This does not affect your right to return faulty items. New and unused means you have kept all original packaging and labels in good condition, the product can be resold at full price, and you have not used the product. If you have your receipt or order confirmation email, we will refund using the original payment method used. If you purchased online with a gift card or voucher, we will refund you to an e-gift card. Gift cards / E Gift cards / vouchers cannot be returned or exchanged for cash. We are unable to refund or exchange products made to your own specifications or personalised for you, unless faulty. Please note that if you return products which are outside our returns policy or if you do not have proof of purchase, we are unable to process a refund, so please keep your receipt or order confirmation. 


Fragrance must be returned within 14 days of receipt of your order.

Items must be returned new, unused and in the original packaging with all Jasper Conran London tags and labels attached.

Once your return has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and providing the order has been sent back as per the Jasper Conran London Returns Policy, we will aim to process your return request within 14 days of receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014).

A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder once the refund is processed.

 Please note that we are unable to refund Fragrance where the packaging seal is broken.

You can return your item through our returns portal, and there will be a return fee of £5.50 for UK customers.

If you choose to return your parcel using your own courier, please note that the item is your responsibility until it reaches us. Therefore, for your own protection we recommend that you send the parcel using a trackable delivery service that provides insurance for the value of the goods. 

The cost of returning the item to us will not be refunded, however we shall waive our return fee from the refund.

If a refund is approved, any delivery charge paid at the time of purchase will be refunded. For international customers, we do not provide a return label, and the item is your responsibility until it reaches us.

Please click the returns link below to start this process: https://jasperconranlondon.loopreturns.com

Faulty Items

If you have a faulty item, please contact Customer Services before returning this item. If this item is to be returned, then once it has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and if said item is found to be faulty, you will be refunded in full within 14 days of us receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014). A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder once the refund is processed.

Terms & Conditions

Returned items which are not in a new and unused condition may not be fully credited to your account unless they are faulty. This does not affect your right to return faulty items. New and unused means you have kept all original packaging and labels in good condition, the product can be resold at full price, and you have not used the product. If you have your receipt or order confirmation email, we will refund using the original payment method used. If you purchased online with a gift card or voucher, we will refund you to an e-gift card. Gift cards / E Gift cards / vouchers cannot be returned or exchanged for cash. We are unable to refund or exchange products made to your own specifications or personalised for you, unless faulty. Please note that if you return products which are outside our returns policy or if you do not have proof of purchase, we are unable to process a refund, so please keep your receipt or order confirmation.


All hats must be processed through our portal within 14 days of receipt of your order.

All hats must be returned new, unused, with all Jasper Conran London garment tags and labels attached, including the anti-wear ribbon.

Once your return has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and providing the order has been sent back as per the Jasper Conran London Returns Policy, we will aim to process your return request within 14 days of receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014).

A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder once the refund is processed. 

 Please note that any hats received with the anti-wear ribbon attached, must be returned with it attached and intact for a full refund.

Any hats that have been altered, cannot be returned.

You can return your item through our returns portal, and there will be a return fee of £5.50 for UK customers.

If you choose to return your parcel using your own courier, please note that the item is your responsibility until it reaches us.

Therefore, for your own protection we recommend that you send the parcel using a trackable delivery service that provides insurance for the value of the goods. 

The cost of returning the item to us will not be refunded, however we shall waive our return fee from the refund.

If a refund is approved, any delivery charge paid at the time of purchase will be refunded. 

For international customers, we do not provide a return label, and the item is your responsibility until it reaches us.

Please click the returns link below to start this process: https://jasperconranlondon.loopreturns.com

Faulty Items

If you have a faulty item, please contact Customer Services before returning this item. If this item is to be returned, then once it has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and if said item is found to be faulty, you will be refunded in full within 14 days of us receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014). A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder once the refund is processed. 

Terms & Conditions

Returned items which are not in a new and unused condition may not be fully credited to your account unless they are faulty. This does not affect your right to return faulty items. New and unused means you have kept all original packaging and labels in good condition, the product can be resold at full price, and you have not used the product. If you have your receipt or order confirmation email, we will refund using the original payment method used. If you purchased online with a gift card or voucher, we will refund you to an e-gift card. Gift cards / E Gift cards / vouchers cannot be returned or exchanged for cash. We are unable to refund or exchange products made to your own specifications or personalised for you, unless faulty.  Please note that if you return products which are outside our returns policy or if you do not have proof of purchase, we are unable to process a refund, so please keep your receipt or order confirmation.

 Free Exchanges

If you wish to exchange a purchase for another item, please return your unwanted items using the same returns process as described above.Once your return has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and providing the order has been sent back as per the Jasper Conran London Returns Policy, we will aim to process your exchange request within 14 days of receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014). *under the conditions set out in our returns policy above. Please click the returns link below to start this process :https://jasperconranlondon.loopreturns.com


If You Change Your Mind and Wish to Return After Delivery

You must take reasonable care of the goods whilst they are in your possession. You may inspect the goods but must not use them. Please return goods to us in their original packaging and ensure that all parts and fittings are included. If the item has been assembled then it cannot be returned, unless faulty.
If you return goods to us without arranging collection by us, we will not be responsible for any loss or damage to them. We recommend a recorded or secure delivery method is used when returning goods to us. If goods are lost or damaged in transit, we may charge you the value for loss or damage, or deduct this amount from your refund.
Charges for collection are £15.
If you wish to return or cancel an order, arrange a collection, or have any further queries about the returns and cancellation process, please contact us at customer services: customer.services@jasperconranlondon.com

*All timings start on the day after delivery.

Day 1 to 14
If you wish to return your order, you must notify us within 14 days.

After Day 15
We will be unable to accept a return until we have carried out a full independent inspection of the goods in your home
If we have deemed the item(s) as fit for resale, we will collect the goods and charge you a return fee to cover the cost of the inspection(s), collection(s) and re-stocking of the sofas or furniture. The sofa or furniture will then be refunded after an additional check at our warehouse


Jewellery products must be returned within 14 days of receipt of your order.

Items must be returned new, unused and in the original packaging with all Jasper Conran London tags and labels attached.

Once your return has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and providing the order has been sent back as per the Jasper Conran London Returns Policy, we will aim to process your return request within 14 days of receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014).

A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder once the refund is processed. 

Please note that we are unable to refund or exchange earrings due to hygiene reasons.

You can return your item through our returns portal, and there will be a return fee of £5.50 for UK customers.

If you choose to return your parcel using your own courier, please note that the item is your responsibility until it reaches us. Therefore, for your own protection we recommend that you send the parcel using a trackable delivery service that provides insurance for the value of the goods. 

The cost of returning the item to us will not be refunded, however we shall waive our return fee from the refund.

If a refund is approved, any delivery charge paid at the time of purchase will be refunded.

For international customers, we do not provide a return label, and the item is your responsibility until it reaches us.

Please click the returns link below to start this process: https://jasperconranlondon.loopreturns.com

Faulty Items

If you have a faulty item, please contact Customer Services before returning this item. If this item is to be returned, then once it has been received at our warehouse, we will inspect the returned item(s) and if said item is found to be faulty, you will be refunded in full within 14 days of us receiving your returned goods (this is in line with the Consumer Contract Regulations 2014). A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder once the refund is processed.

Terms & Conditions

Returned items which are not in a new and unused condition may not be fully credited to your account unless they are faulty. This does not affect your right to return faulty items. New and unused means you have kept all original packaging and labels in good condition, the product can be resold at full price, and you have not used the product. If you have your receipt or order confirmation email, we will refund using the original payment method used. If you purchased online with a gift card or voucher, we will refund you to an e-gift card. Gift cards / E Gift cards / vouchers cannot be returned or exchanged for cash. We are unable to refund or exchange products made to your own specifications or personalised for you, unless faulty. Please note that if you return products which are outside our returns policy or if you do not have proof of purchase, we are unable to process a refund, so please keep your receipt or order confirmation.